Endomotor Beard/Moustache Reconstruction



Normally facial hair transplantation is a procedure which is done to restore hair to areas where facial hair growth is less. This procedure of hair transplanting most commonly performed on the mustache areas and can also be performed on beards or to the sideburns and also on the cheeks. It is mainly done to conceal acne scars and other types of scars. However there are certain reasons regarding the loss of facial hair. It is quite possible that it might be the result of some genetic factors , due to any type of surgery , any sort of burns or injury. The main goal of this procedure can vary from a one condition to the other one.

The number of grafts required can also vary but normally 250-500 for mustaches, 400-700 grafts for a full fix, approximately 200-250 grafts for sideburn, and almost about 300-700 grafts for a cheek beard. Same procedure has to be followed by the surgeons which is followed by hair transplantation. In this hair transplant the donor hairs for a facial hair transplant come from the back or sides of the scalp. And once the hair are transplanted they become permanent and use to grow slowly like hair which use to exist on one’s face and the other fact dealing with this transplant is that the transplanted hair can be shaved just as you would other facial hair.

Generally speaking this is a very much refined procedure of grafts in which only one and two hairs need to implant at a time. In this procedure the length of the hair is almost 1 cm so that these may easily get adjust with the hair’s orientation. Another important factor of this transplant is that it’s results are immediate and the hair use to come from the scalp. No doubt it is very difficult to find out body hair which is as thick as those hair which use to exist on one’s beard or on one’s mustaches. It is true that beard and mustache hair has it’s own importance which make them differentiate from the other hair which use to exist on other body parts. The hair follicle contains one hair, while head hair in 75% of all cases grows in the form of grafts i.e. two to five hair groups. The classic technique use to involve removing a strip of hair at the back of the scalp which is called FUT. Under the microscope hairs are isolated one by one, or in other words we can say that follicles are divided in two or three parts. If the whole procedure of hair transplanting has been done with clean and fine incisions, and the grafts, from which the skin at the hair base was removed, are carefully placed, then there will be no scarring. Then it becomes quite difficult to distinguish the grafts from the original hairs.