Endomotor Follicular Unit Transfer( FUT)

FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) Hair Transplant

fut tranplant


We all know that hairs are important part of our body. They play an important role in increasing and decreasing one’s personality. In the present scenario we see that every third person in this world is suffering from the problem of hair loss and to get rid from this major problem of hair loss. Follicular Unit Transplantation is the process under which hair transplanted from the permanent part to the area or area which is not prone to baldness which resides on the different sides and the back side of the scalp where the hair is more resistant to bald.

Normally FUT is done with the help of anesthesia. During the FUT treatment, first of all patient’s scalp is anesthetized and after the scalp is fully anesthetized then the doctor starts removing a strip of tissues from the area of the donor which use to resist in permanent zone area of the scalp and after the extraction of the hair properly takes place then the donor strip is use to cut into many small fragments which is done with the help of microscopic detection technique. But after the preparation of follicular units graft the doctor starts making tiny holes in the patient’s scalp which is also known as recipient sites.

The point of great importance which is important to discuss here is that the quantity of grafts usually determines the aesthetic qualities of hair transplant procedure and this whole decision is taken by the doctor only after going through the medical history of the patient thoroughly and only an expert in this field is capable of taking all decisions regarding the transplantation process. But one of the important aspects of Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation is stereo microscopic technique in which dissection is used which helps a lot by allowing Follicular Units remain isolated from the donor strip so that these may not get damage easily

No doubt there are varieties of solutions through which the grafts can be easily stored during the hair transplantation process so that maximum growth of hair may take place. Normally the donor area is that area of the scalp where hair bearing skin is use to remove from the scalp during the surgical hair restoration procedure. In the whole process of successful hair transplant procedure the important part which uses to differentiate it from other treatments is that in such a process very few scars are seen on the donor’s area

To conclude we can say that Follicular Unit Transplantation use to give an effective outcome. This method is also known as strip method which gives a great opportunity of harvesting and transplanting great amount of grafts and the chances of wasting of follicular units are very limited.